




      第一,根据《平精英》游戏官方发布的攻略中明确提到,玩家可以使用装备、道具来保护自己的位置,以达到隐身的目的。 特别是装备机制中的无敌必杀技,可以让玩家承受低伤害,而且离开时也不会浪费精力。


      第三,另一 to make yourself invisible in the game of Peace Elite is to try to stay away from combat as much as possible. By avoiding combat, players can remain hidden while still participating in the game. For example, you can fly high up in the sky so that your enemies cannot spot or track you. Moreover, if you cannot see your opponents, they cannot see you either.

      In conclusion, there are three main ways to make yourself invisible in the game of Peace Elite: equipments and items, disguising as NPC and staying away from combat. As long as you choose the right approach, you will be able to play the game without being seen. Although stealth tactics can be more challenging to use in Peace Elite, they can also lead to greater rewards and satisfaction.
